Webinar: My Avenging Angel Workshop
Registration Open
This workshop is for women who have been abused by domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, emotional abuse or verbal or physical assault, and have left those abusive environments and desire to grow and change.
- CONQUER self doubt
- HEAL their wounded spirit
- DISCOVER hidden talents
- CREATE a new future for themselves
TWO workshop programs are available this fall. One program is set for Saturday, October 2nd and Saturday October 9th from 10:30 AM to 4 PM both days.
The other program is set for Saturday November 6th and Saturday 13th from 10:30 AM to 4 PM both days.
And for next year we have:
Saturday, February 5 & 12, 2022
10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. both days.
Saturday, March 5 & 12, 2022
10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. both days.
Please indicate when you register which workshop program you would like to attend. You will receive a link to the ZOOM session after you register.
Please plan to attend both sessions of each workshop. The work is continuous over the two-day sessions.
No charge
You must select a time.
You must select a location.
Register Online
28 openings available
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