
Nonsurgical options to treat hip pain and limited motion may include medications, injections or physical therapy. In cases where arthritis limits everyday activities, or pain continues while resting, your doctor may recommend hip replacement.

Hip Resurfacing

Hip resurfacing is not a total hip replacement. It conserves more bone by reshaping parts of the hip to accept partial implants. It's an especially attractive option for younger patients because it provides a more natural feeling and offers a better range of motion than traditional implants.

Hip Replacement Surgery

Osteoarthritis, the most common cause of hip joint damage, weakens the cartilage between the femoral head and the acetabulum until repeated motion ultimately reduces the area to bone scraping against bone. The eroded joint, pitted and uneven, causes pain, stiffness and instability. When it’s difficult to get out of a chair and take a few strides, you’re probably ready to consider hip-replacement surgery.

Mako Total Hip Replacement

Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Surgery, with accuracy within millimeters in cup placement and leg length restoration, reduces the possibility of future dislocations. Fewer complications also mean faster post-surgery rehabilitation.

Mako Total Hip is designed for those suffering with inflammatory or non-inflammatory degenerative hip joint disease (DJD). Using real-time information and images of your hip, your surgeon knows and controls accurate implant placement, which can be difficult to achieve with traditional total hip replacement techniques without a robotic arm.

During Mako Total Hip surgery, surgeons are provided a visualization of the joint and biomechanical data to guide the bone preparation and implant positioning to match the pre-surgical plan. After first preparing the femur or thighbone, the surgeon uses the robotic arm to accurately shape the acetabulum socket in the hip, and then implant the cup at the correct depth and orientation. The surgeon then implants the femoral implant. The Mako System offers the confidence of more accurate cup placement and accurate leg length restoration.

Like other total hip replacement procedures, Mako may be a treatment option for people who suffer from either non-inflammatory or inflammatory degenerative joint disease.

Mako Total Hip Benefits May Include:

  • Accurate placement of your hip implant using the surgeon-controlled robotic arm system, which can reduce the likelihood of hip dislocation
  • More consistency in leg length, potentially decreasing the need for a shoe lift
  • Decreased risk of the implant and bone abnormally rubbing together – this may improve the lifetime of the implant

Mako Total Hip arthroplasty is designed to achieve a new level of precision using the latest techniques in total hip replacement and is designed to restore mobility and an active lifestyle. If your surgeon determines that you are a good candidate for Mako Total Hip arthroplasty, he or she will schedule a computed tomography (CT) scan of your hip one to two weeks prior to your surgery date. This is used to create your unique surgical plan for optimal implant placement.

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