
Our sleep disorder experts at the Ayer Neuroscience Institute work tirelessly to educate people about sleep disorders and how they can impact a person’s life.

This includes providing insight into the various health risks associated with sleep disorders as well as information on symptoms and treatment.

Stay up-to-date with the latest in sleep disorders by following what our team is talking about as part of local, regional and national news stories.


September 17, 2024

Can You Take Vitamin D as a Sleep Aid?

When you think vitamin D, you probably think sunny days — but do you think pleasant dreams? You should. That’s [...]

July 29, 2024

How Much Time Should I Nap For?

If you’re a chronic napper, you know that no two naps ever feel quite the same. Some leave you feeling [...]

July 23, 2024

What Is the Best Temperature to Sleep In?

If you’re nightly routine involves a battle over where to set the thermostat, we have some good news — there’s [...]

June 21, 2024

How an Inspire Implant Can Replace Your CPAP Mask

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may be dreading a lifetime of sleeping with a CPAP machine. But what [...]

April 14, 2024

Does the Sleepy Girl Mocktail Actually Work?

Feel like you’ve tried everything, but you still aren’t getting a good night’s sleep? There might be one more option [...]

January 24, 2024

4 Surprising Signs of Sleep Apnea

If you’re snoring while you sleep and waking up fatigued, you may suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea – a [...]

Ayer Neuroscience Institute Sleep Care Center