For New Patients

Thank you for choosing the Ayer Neuroscience Institute Sleep Care Center for your care. We understand that sleep disorders can cause a major disruption to your work and home life. That’s why we want to make this process as easy as possible to get you on your way to a better night’s sleep. 

With sleep care locations across the state, you can pick the location that is the most convenient to you. The first step in diagnosing and treating any sleep disorder is a consultation with a sleep specialist.

What to Expect

Your first appointment will be a consultation to begin the process of diagnosing and treating your sleep disorder. This visit will include a comprehensive sleep history and review of past medical, surgical and family history. Please bring a current list of medications. The physician will conduct a physical assessment. You can expect your first appointment to last around 40 minutes and allow for questions and answers.

From this first visit, the sleep specialist may recommend a sleep study and will go over with you all pertinent information.

Ayer Neuroscience Institute Sleep Care Center