Special Education School

Our School Program has been certified by the State Department of Education as an approved private special education program since 1960.

The school offers an alternative placement to school systems and families for children ages three to 22 with multiple developmental and/or medical needs such as cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, seizure disorders, neuromotor diseases and/or medical conditions requiring nursing support services.

Tuition and transportation is funded through their local school district once the student's Planning and Placement Team meets to approve placement at our school.

A unique Snoezelen multi-sensory room is available to all students attending the Feroleto School and was developed as a learning environment, to address sensory needs, increase functional communication, develop fine and gross motor skills, de-escalate inappropriate behaviors, and increase overall desired behaviors.

The School is in session 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, for the 180-day school year and for six weeks in the summer to provide a 12-month continuum of educational instruction and therapeutic intervention essential to many students with special needs.

Special Needs Classroom
We offer a 12-month schedule, small, homogeneous classes, a high staff to student ratio, and a comprehensive, developmental and function based curriculum. Related services, including physical, speech and occupational therapy are provided on an individually prescribed basis as well as being integrated into classroom activities.

Our program’s objective is to provide each student individual instruction and support designed to facilitate learning in all developmental areas. For those able the goal is entry or return to his/her public school program. For all students the goal is to encourage learning and make every day a good day!

Our Medically Fragile Students
Full-time nursing staff is always on site to handle routine and emergency concerns, as well as provide medical monitoring and support.

A Medical Director, specializing in developmental pediatrics, provides support to the nursing staff and is available to provide consult to parents and local physicians.

Our Transition Services
A team of professionals will help to develop a transition plan for program opportunities after graduation. The transition plan is based on individual needs and take into account preferences and interests. Consideration is given to long-range goals and specific objectives for employment, post-secondary training, education, independent living skills, and/or community involvement.

St. Vincent’s Special Needs Services Adult Day Program located in Stratford is one option available to graduates.

Our Children’s Residential Services
Residential Services, in group home settings, may be available for students with complex medical needs requiring around the clock nursing services.

Keeping Students Healthy
St. Vincent’s Special Education School is an amazing and fun place to play and learn. We want everyone to have the ability to come to school and have the best time possible. That means we need to keep our students healthy so that they can attend and learn every day.

Visit our Nursing Department page to learn more.

Special Education School