Please inform us if a patient needs the services of an interpreter and if so, what language is required.
Please ensure that you have informed patients and their care partners that you are making the referral to the Memory Care Center and that they are agreeable to attending visits with us.
Please avoid starting cognitive or psychiatric medications before referral to us. Doing so makes our job more complicated. If you plan to treat the patient, please re-consider the need for a Memory Care Center evaluation.
Please do not make simultaneous referrals to the Memory Care Center and related clinicians, such as a geriatrician, a movement disorders specialist, a neuropsychologist or a neurologist. Doing so can create confusion and unnecessary redundancy in care. Please pick one specialty, allow the evaluation to occur and then seek additional care if, and as, warranted.
Please do not suggest that we consider or obtain PET, SPECT, CSF analysis, or genetic testing. Most of these procedures are still largely the purview of research centers and are NOT readily available to clinical centers like the Memory Care Center. It is exceedingly unlikely that such procedures will be covered by insurance.
For Hartford HealthCare entities to find the referral in Epic:
- Enter “memory” in the “New Order” box in the lower left screen
- Select “Ambulatory referral to Neurology – Memory Care Center”
- Please enter the cognitive screening instrument performed and its score
For other neurological complaints or non-cognitive geriatric psychiatry, please refer directly to those specialties.
For non-Hartford HealthCare entities
For non-Hartford HealthCare entities, please fax us a completed referral form:
Download Patient Referral