Kunal Kataria may be young in years, but he is wise in the ways we can all connect to healthier through good works. The high school graduate started the Kataria Classic Tennis Tournament at Southington High School to raise money for the Southington Care Center—a Hartford HealthCare partner that provides short-term rehabilitation and long-term care.
When Kunal was younger, his mom encouraged him to volunteer at the Care Center. He made lifelong friends with many of the residents. It inspired him to find a way to give back. In fact, two residents—Mary “Mitzy” Kohl and Marion Gifford—helped him plan the tournament and led a group that came to cheer on the winners.
All proceeds from the annual tourney support the Care Center’s Residents’ Council, which gives residents a voice in decisions affecting their community. They also fund special events that enhance the quality of life for residents and their families, such as trips to outside events—activities beyond the scope of the Care Center’s budget. The residents themselves control the funds and decide the best ways to use them.
Kunal connected two things close to his heart: tennis and the long-term care community. Through Hartford HealthCare Giving, he created a new way to serve.
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