In April 2013, Karen Pfaffenbach died of heart disease. To her childhood friends, her sudden passing was a shock. They felt that, had she known the signs, she would have sought treatment. It galvanized them to create the Running with Scissors annual 5K run/walk in East Hampton. Their message is simple: Running with Scissors Is Dangerous … “So Is Heart Disease.”
Karen’s friends, Cory Ucci, JoAnn Pagliughi, Monica Turning and Dorothy Winch, organized the event, which has raised more than $33,000 to benefit The Hospital of Central Connecticut’s (HOCC) Women’s Heart Wellness Center. The donations support community outreach and education for women about heart disease prevention and management.
Patients at the Center see a board-certified cardiologist. They receive a gender-specific risk factor screening to address cardiac risk factors specific to women, symptom assessment and a physical exam. HOCC, a founding member of the WomenHeart National Hospital Alliance, also provides a monthly peer-led support network, WomenHeart of Central Connecticut, for women with heart disease.
A tragedy connected a network of friends to make a difference. They’ve gone on to connect more women to healthier futures through Hartford HealthCare Giving.
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